Hierbas para el baño

Un baño de hierbas naturales es una excelente forma de relajarse y aliviar la tensión, calmar músculos y articulaciones doloridas, estimular la circulación, promover una piel flexible o ayudar a ahuyentar un resfriado.

Cada mezcla única de ingredientes botánicos orgánicos potencia los efectos curativos y calmantes naturales de un baño caliente. Disfruta de un momento de calma mientras mimas tu piel.

Bañarse en agua infusionada con las bondades de las hierbas es una forma relajante y curativa de cuidar el cuerpo. Elija una mezcla que se adapte a su estado de ánimo, cree un ambiente o se adapte a sus necesidades terapéuticas. Algunas mezclas contienen sales curativas.

More About Hierbas para el baño:

Soaking in a warm fragrant herbal bath is a simple pleasure that provides a quiet sanctuary in which to retreat, reflect and refresh.

Bath teas or bathing herbs have been used in baths for thousands of years. The healing properties trapped in the herbs and released by the water can help boost your mood, calm the mind, soothe sore muscles and joints, fight colds, boost circulation, open pores, soften skin, and promote more restful sleep. 

So, draw a warm bath infused with fragrant or therapeutic herbs and relax. It may just be the perfect medicine for whatever ails you.

No time for a bath or No bathtub? Our bathing herbs are very versatile.

  • Use the herbal bag as a warm or cool compress on your temples, neck or other pulse points
  • Use a small amount to make a soothing foot bath
  • Use the herbal bag in the shower as an “herbal washcloth,” with or without soap

For more information please read "How to Use an Herbal Bath Tub Tea"

Our bathing herbs are great all on their own but you can easily combine them with great skincare additives most of which can be found in your kitchen cupboards.

Get creative! Check out all the ways to use bath teas in our blog, "Bath Tub Tea Recipes: Simple Additions"

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