Sales de baño

¿Necesitas variar tu baño diario? ¿Buscas una manera de aliviar el estrés, aliviar dolores musculares y calmar la piel irritada? Añade un toque de sal marina aromática y rica en minerales a tu rutina de baño para calmar el alma, equilibrar las emociones, despertar los sentidos y mimar tu piel.

Desde la antigüedad, las personas se han sumergido en baños calientes para purificarse, relajarse, refrescarse, rejuvenecer y sanar. Una mezcla de sales calmantes ricas en minerales, algunas mezcladas con aceites esenciales orgánicos puros, potencia los efectos curativos y calmantes naturales de un baño caliente.

More About Sales de baño:

Organic Grapefruit and Ylang Ylang Bath Salts

Taking a bath can be a truly comforting experience. A 2018 study titled the "Physical and Mental Effects of Bathing," found that immersion in warm bath water for 10 minutes promotes an increased blood flow, encourages feelings of contentment, and may also help reduce fatigue, stress, and pain. 

Sea salt baths are known for their therapeutic and healing properties. Packed with trace elements and minerals to benefit your skin, a salt bath can help balance skin oils, improve circulation, ease muscular pain and joint stiffness and soothe irritated skin conditions while melting away the worries and pressures of the day. 

  • add to your tub for a sensational spa experience
  • use as soak before a pedicure or for sore, tired feet
  • choose a blend to match to your mood, create an atmosphere, or for your therapeutic needs

Are you looking for a specific type of aromatherapy? Use the “Helps With” filter on the left side this page. Find blends that can help improve sleep and relaxation, relieve stress and anxiety, uplift your mood lift, energize your body & mind, enhance focus, and ease congestion, and motion sickness.

Get creative! Check out all the ways to use bath salts in our Bath Salts & Recipes blog

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, have a medical condition, or have any medical concerns regarding yourself or your family always consult a qualified, licensed health professional prior to using aromatherapy. 

Warm water and sea salt are generally safe for most people. If you have a chronic skin condition or any chronic health condition, please talk with your healthcare provider prior to trying a sea salt bath.

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