Bruma de ducha con aromaterapia

La bañera siempre se ha considerado el lugar ideal para relajarse y desconectar. Y la ducha, bueno, ¡es solo para ducharse!

¡Ya no! Con solo unas rociadas de estos increíbles sprays de ducha orgánicos, tu ducha se convertirá en un santuario de spa, lleno del poder de los aceites esenciales aromáticos.

El vapor de la ducha crea un difusor de aceites esenciales natural que puede ayudarte a dormir, despertarte, aliviar el estrés, mejorar tu estado de ánimo, equilibrar las emociones, aliviar la congestión o rejuvenecer tus sentidos.

More About Bruma de ducha con aromaterapia:

After a lot of experimentation we all preferred aromatic shower mists over solid shower fizzies (aka shower bombs, steamers, or melts). 

Shower mists are a simpler, less messy, and a much more economical way to use aromatherapy in the shower. You are in total control over the amount of scent in your shower. Just spritz a few times and you are ready to shower, relax and breathe in the awesome scents as your routine shower turns into a steamy aromatic spa. Feel the warm water flowing down your body. Take a deep breathe and experience the stress leaving your body, mind, and spirit. 

Shower mists are really a great way to experience the benefits of aromatherapy without requiring a special time carved out of your day. A great benefit for busy folks and parents. 

Need to wind down? Close your eyes and take a slow deep breath! Immerse yourself into the steamy calming aromas of Lavender and Rosemary to help reduce stress and provide feelings of relaxation, balance, and contentment. A perfect way to relax, de-stress and unwind.

Having trouble getting out of bed in the morning? Enjoy the energizing blend of Breathe Easy to awaken your mind and senses, soothe sinuses and help prepare you for the day ahead.


  • Deodorize your bathroom
  • Freshen your yoga mat or gym bag

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, have a medical condition, or have any medical concerns regarding yourself or your family always consult a qualified, licensed health professional prior to use.

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