Repelente de insectos

Nuestros repelentes de insectos naturales Don't Bug Me ayudan a mantener a raya a los insectos con una mezcla efectiva de aceites esenciales orgánicos que incluyen citronela, cedro y limoncillo.

Perfecto para Acampar, hacer senderismo, jardinería, hacer picnics, pescar y más, nuestros repelentes de insectos naturales sin DEET Tienen un aroma fresco, limpio y amaderado y ofrecen una alternativa ecológica para ayudarle a disfrutar de su tiempo al aire libre.

Nuestro jabón para acampar también está incluido, ya que es una excelente barra compacta de jabón biodegradable para acampar.

More About Repelente de insectos:

Plants have been repelling insects and bugs to protect themselves since the beginning of time. So why not harness the power of plants? That’s just what we did at Chagrin Valley. We created a line of safe and effective “Don’t Bug Me!” organic bug-repellent products that would help repel insects—Naturally!

How does organic bug repellent work?

Many plants produce compounds that help protect them from insects. These same compounds, when extracted as essential oils, can help keep bugs at bay naturally when applied to the skin. 

Pests like insects have very different biological systems than mammals. Our Certified Organic bug repellents work because the active ingredients are plant essential oils known to contain high levels of natural bug deterrents.

Mosquitoes are attracted to people by skin odors and the carbon dioxide from exhaling. These essential oils interfere with the insect's sense of smell or taste, making it difficult for them to locate food (that's you) or mates.

Our synergistic blend of essential oils helps repels insects naturally and has a fresh, clean, woodsy scent with a touch of citrus

Please note that if you are venturing into areas that are heavily infested with mosquitoes and ticks that carry disease, like Malaria or the Zika virus, DEET is still recommended by the CDC as the most effective.

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