Bálsamos labiales orgánicos

Hidrata, calma, suaviza y acondiciona los labios con nuestros bálsamos labiales orgánicos y dile adiós a los ingredientes sintéticos y a los envases de plástico.

La piel de nuestros labios es muy fina, muy sensible y soporta mucho desgaste al comer, beber, respirar, hablar, besar, etc. Esta delicada piel produce poca melanina y no contiene glándulas sebáceas ni glándulas sudoríparas para protegerse de las agresiones ambientales como el frío, el calor, el viento o incluso los alimentos ácidos o picantes.

Nuestros labios necesitan ingredientes suaves y naturales que los acondicionen y suavicen. Ingredientes que penetren e hidraten la piel, no que simplemente cubran la superficie del labio.

More About Bálsamos labiales orgánicos:

The difference organic lip balms can make

The delicate skin on our lips is very thin and lacks the protective outer layer and oil glands present on other parts of our body, leaving them vulnerable to environmental elements. Wind and sun are a drying combination that can result in sore, dry, cracked, flaky, and chapped lips. We also have a habit of licking our lips when they feel dry, which makes the problem worse.

Petroleum based lip balms provide a quick fix for dry chapped lips by simply trapping moisture. This prevents the thin lip skin from breathing and ultimately causes greater irritation. 

How to make the most of your organic lip balm
  • Moisturize throughout the day with a natural lip balm
  • If your lips feel dry and flaky exfoliate with a simple lip scrub. I mix 1 tablespoon brown sugar and enough honey to create paste. Gently massage the paste into lips and allow it to sit for a minute or two. Gently rinse with warm water and apply a lip balm. 
  • Avoid touching or licking your lips
  • Drink plenty of water

Since lip balms are applied on the lips, you will probably ingest some of the ingredients. So be sure to choose a lip balm with ingredients that you don't mind eating! ;-)

Millions and millions of plastic lip balm tubes end up in landfills or in our oceans every year. Our Zero-Waste lip balms, handmade without synthetic ingredients, come packaged in a recyclable metal tin. So, make the switch to a creamy, organic lip balm that really works and say goodbye to both synthetic ingredients and plastic packaging!

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