Velas de loción corporal tibia

Nuestras velas de spa con loción corporal natural brindan una oportunidad única de disfrutar de un bálsamo corporal hidratante cálido, un aceite de masaje cálido y una aromaterapia encantadora, todo en uno.

Aunque puedan parecer velas tradicionales, en realidad son un aceite corporal sólido mezclado con aceites esenciales.

Una vez encendidos, los aceites se derriten a una temperatura cálida que permite verterlos directamente en la mano y masajearlos sobre la piel. Sentirás la piel suave, tersa y flexible en cuestión de minutos.

More About Velas de loción corporal tibia:

Warm Lotion Candle Massage Moisturize

To enjoy our hand-poured Lotion Candles, simply light the candle and watch as it melts into a rich, warm, emollient pool of body lotion packed with nourishing butters and botanical oils. During this time the scent of the pure essential oils will begin to gently fill the air. Choose a scent to set the mood or help with relaxation, muscle soreness, or congestion.

Our candles are a wonderful intensive treatment for dry skin. Nourishing butters and oils melt at a low temperature to create a warm moisturizer that quickly absorbs into your skin.

  • An intensive treatment for hands, elbows, feet or any dry skin places
  • A rich, warm, emollient massage oil
  • A soothing cream for manicures and pedicures
  • I use the warm lotion candle to relieve the pain in my arthritic hands during cold winter weather
  • Light before you get in the shower or bath and then massage the warm oils into your warm damp skin for some intense moisturizing (especially nice for winter dryness).

Are you looking for a specific type of aromatherapy? Use the “Helps With” filter on the left side this product page. Find blends that can help improve sleep and relaxation, relieve stress and anxiety, uplift your mood lift, energize your body & mind, enhance focus, and ease congestion, and motion sickness.

Please visit our Product Knowledge Base for tips to help choose Natural Organic Body Moisturizers.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, have a medical condition, or have any medical concerns regarding yourself or your family always consult a qualified, licensed health professional prior to using aromatherapy. 

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