Barras de champú

Encuentra una barra de champú natural que nutra tu cabello y cuero cabelludo

Descubre nuestra colección de barras de champú hechas a mano elaboradas con ingredientes naturales y orgánicos para nutrir tu cabello y ser amable con nuestro planeta.

Nuestras recetas cuidadosamente formuladas combinan aceites y mantecas vegetales orgánicas, infusiones de hierbas y aceites esenciales, se adaptan a todo tipo de cabello y limpian suavemente con abundante espuma esponjosa.

Olvídate de los champús con detergentes y ingredientes sintéticos. Luce un cabello sano y vibrante con nuestros ingredientes naturales y orgánicos, envases sin plástico y cero residuos, y un diseño ideal para viajes.

More About Barras de champú:

Why do YOU want to switch to a Shampoo Bar?

The first question you must ask yourself is  . . .  Why do YOU want to switch to a shampoo bar? If reducing plastic waste is your primary goal, then any plastic-free shampoo bar brand will help achieve this important environmental objective.

However, if you are seeking a genuinely natural alternative to traditional bottled shampoo, be aware that "soap-free" syndet shampoo bars, despite containing some natural ingredients, rely on synthetic detergents and are not natural shampoos. 

What is a Natural Shampoo bar?

A Natural Shampoo Bar is a soap-based shampoo made with nourishing organic ingredients. Before WWII, solid shampoo bars were the norm, but the introduction of synthetic detergents led to the rise of liquid shampoos in plastic bottles.

Although the process for making a shampoo bar is the same as making soap, our shampoo bar "recipes" are specially formulated with natural plant oils, butters, botanicals and essential oils that nourish your hair and scalp.

How to Choose a Natural Shampoo Bar? 

Are you hesitant about using a natural shampoo bar? Here is our recommendation, give a sample bar a try! We have a huge selection of full-sized and sample-sized shampoo bars for different hair types, textures, and ingredient sensitivities.

Check the detailed information on each of our shampoo bar pages to see which ones we recommend for specific hair types. Use the filters on the left side of our main shampoo product page to narrow down your options or explore our "Help Me Choose a Shampoo Bar" guide.

How to use a Natural Shampoo Bar?

While choosing the right bar is important, proper technique may be the most critical part to ensure success with a natural shampoo bar.  

For a detailed, step-by-step guide, refer to our blog post: How To Use a Natural Shampoo Bar. You will notice that we do NOT recommend lathering up the length of your hair with a natural shampoo bar!

By following these simple steps and focusing on scalp cleansing, you'll unlock the full potential of your natural shampoo bar.

Explore the world of natural shampoo bars, get answers to your shampoo FAQs and learn about the benefits, ingredients, hair type suitability, and usage tips. 

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