Spray de alcohol para manos

Los CDC (Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades) dicen: " Lavarse las manos con agua y jabón es la mejor manera de eliminar los gérmenes en la mayoría de las situaciones".

Sin embargo, en caso de apuro, cuando no se dispone de agua y jabón, un aerosol de alcohol para manos añade otra herramienta a su arsenal de higiene de manos.

Nuestra fórmula en aerosol de secado rápido está hecha con etanol orgánico certificado de comercio justo, hamamelis y glicerina vegetal para ayudar a dejar la piel suave e hidratada sin residuos pegajosos.

More About Spray de alcohol para manos:

Natural Organic Hand Sanitizer Spray

Our Organic Hand Sprays use a simple formula of organic ingredients; 75% ethyl alcohol, witch hazel, glycerin, and essential oils—that's it!

Take our portable hand spray everywhere.

Besides your hands they can be sprayed on surfaces like door handles, faucets, or shopping carts or used in other public areas like taxis, bathrooms, classrooms, etc. Just pump out a bit and then wipe the surface with a tissue or spray directly on a paper towel and wipe!

Are your alcohol hand sprays effective against COVID-19?

All of our hand sprays contain 75% ethanol alcohol. The CDC recommends using sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol to help protect yourself against illness. According to the CDC, high proof Ethyl alcohol, at concentrations of 60%–80%, is a potent virucidal (virus killing) agent for many viruses.

We cannot and do not make any claims that our sanitizers are effective against any specific virus such as the COVID, the flu, etc.  

A "Hand Sanitizer" is considered an over-the-counter (OTC) drug by the FDA. Our Alcohol Hand Spray has not been tested by the FDA. However, it does contain generally accepted anti-microbial ingredients that I feel good about using in my family.

Plain soap and water are still the best way to help deter the spread of germs. When you are on the go and soap and water are not available, alcohol-based hand rubs and sprays that contain greater than 60% alcohol can be effective if used properly.

While a hand sanitizer is useful in a pinch, it can fail under certain conditions. Hand sanitizers kill germs but they do not clean dirty hands. Hand sanitizers work best when hands are generally clean and not heavily soiled or greasy.

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