
Handgemachte Bio-Seifenstücke, auf die Sie sich verlassen können

Eine der einfachsten Freuden des Lebens ist eine handgemachte Naturseife.

Chagrin Valley Naturseifen werden von Grund auf im Kaltverfahren handgefertigt, Charge für Charge, um Frische, Konsistenz und Perfektion zu gewährleisten. Wir sind bestrebt, die bestmöglichen handgefertigten Naturseifen herzustellen, indem wir den Produktionsprozess von Anfang bis Ende überwachen.

Unsere Zero-Waste-Seifenstücke sind 100 % plastikfrei und reisefreundlich.

Unsere sorgfältig aus zertifizierten Bio- und Naturzutaten hergestellten Rezepte werden entwickelt, um eine milde, pflegende Seife herzustellen, die herrlich schäumt und der Haut ein sauberes, weiches und strahlend gesundes Gefühl verleiht.

More About Naturseife:

Why are handmade soap bars better? 

The level of care that goes into producing a batch of cold process soap is unparalleled in commercial soaps when you consider the ingredients, the manufacturing process, the environmental impact, and the effect on your skin. 

By making all of our soaps by hand, we're able to ensure our customers are receiving only the best products that all start with the very best ingredients. We've been producing small batch soaps since our inception. Looking for proof? Just check your batch number on each bar you receive! 

Why should you use soap bars over liquid soap?

Natural soap bars are really soap. By using sustainable, environmentally friendly, natural, and organic ingredients in an age-old process, rather than synthetic chemicals, bar soap produces a great lather that promotes healthy skin without harming the environment.

From its composition, to its benefits for the skin and health, to its impact on the environment, natural soap is very different from commercial soap, as we strive to create the most environmentally friendly skin care products possible. The level of care and attention that goes into producing a batch of cold process soap is unparalleled in commercial soaps. The goals and mission of a small business are also quite different from those of a large corporation.

Embrace a very simple pleasure of life by using a bar of handmade natural soap to create a self-care routine for your skin. Indulge your senses in natural aromatherapy, moisturize your skin, and feel good about what you put on your skin. This small change will leave your skin beautifully conditioned but and help make our planet a bit happier! Your skin will notice the difference and your skin will thank you.

Our natural soap bars soaps are scented with organic herbs and essential oils. Scents will be softer or lighter than soaps made with synthetic fragrances.

How do you make soap bars? 

We're no gatekeepers of our process. We aim to inspire other companies to increase their transparency by sharing how our mission and craft inform how we make our organic, handmade soap bars. Here's our soap making process for creating bars you can rely on. 

Please visit our Product Knowledge Base for tips to help choose a Natural Soap. 

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