
Bleiben Sie den ganzen Tag frisch, trocken und wohl mit unseren pflanzlichen Deodorants . Sie wurden fachmännisch mit zertifizierten Bio-Pflanzenölen, Buttern, ätherischen Ölen und Pflanzenpulvern gemischt, um Gerüche zu neutralisieren, Feuchtigkeit zu absorbieren und die Haut zu beruhigen. Natürliche Inhaltsstoffe, effektiv und sanft.

Unser Zero-Waste, Plastikfreie Deodorants werden von Hand ohne synthetische Inhaltsstoffe hergestellt und helfen Ihnen, den ganzen Tag frisch zu bleiben, ohne Ihre Haut zu reizen oder die Umwelt zu schädigen.

Steigen Sie um auf ein sauberes, natürliches, organisches Deodorant, das wirklich wirkt, und verabschieden Sie sich von synthetischen Inhaltsstoffen und Plastikverpackungen.

More About Bio-Deodorant:

Why use a natural, zero-waste deodorant?

The simple answer--why not! Our deodorants harness the power of organic plants, contain no synthetic chemicals, and come in eco-friendly packaging--no plastic. We want to change the way you think about underarm deodorant!

We have three different aluminum and paraben-free Organic Deodorant Formulations, Regular Strength Stick, Extra Strength Cream, and Sensitive Skin Cream. 

Our Extra Strength Cream and Regular Strength Stick deodorants combat odor using naturally antibacterial virgin coconut oil, baking soda and essential oils (except the Simply Natural scent). Organic tapioca or cornstarch helps absorb perspiration.

Our Sensitive Skin deodorants contain no baking soda and rely on magnesium hydroxide, virgin coconut oil, and essential oils (except the Simply Natural scent) to combat odor. Organic tapioca helps absorb perspiration.

We carefully craft all of our organic essential oil scents to be subtle and not overpowering, so you can enjoy a simple pleasant fragrance.

Make the switch to our natural deodorants and discover a healthier, more effective way to stay dry and odor-free, with ingredients that nourish your skin and the environment.

Looking for a zero-waste deodorant alternative for your whole body? Try our organic, talc-free, gentle Body Powders made with silky kaolin clay, organic wheat-free tapioca flour, and organic botanicals to keep skin dry and cool. They are the ultimate solution for controlling all-over body odor, chafing, itchy feet, and moisture

Students at Chagrin Yoga, in Chagrin Falls, Ohio, are fans of our products, especially our organic deodorants. Thank you to the students and studio for allowing us to film one of their classes as part of our video. Namaste!

Please visit our Product Knowledge Base for tips to help choose a Natural Deodorant. 

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