
Schon die Rasur belastet die Haut. Rasierpickel und -brand sind sichtbare Zeichen der Belastung, die die Haut beim Rasieren erleidet. Natürliche Rasierprodukte und -accessoires sorgen für ein wenig Komfort und Luxus bei der täglichen Rasur.

Die beste Zeit zum Rasieren ist unter der Dusche oder direkt danach. Die Haarfollikel werden dicker und weicher, wodurch die Klinge leichter über Ihr Gesicht gleitet. Für eine gründliche, angenehme Rasur – ganz natürlich. Entdecken Sie unsere Gesichts- und Bartöle für ein besseres Gleiten.

More About Rasieren:

Shaving, whether you have a beard or not, is a very personal thing. If you have a routine that works for you, stick with it. Below we offer some tips.

We like to think of shaving as three-pronged routine. 

Prepare Your Skin For Shaving

  • Wash your face to remove oil, dirt, and dead skin.
  • We recommend shaving immediately after showering or in the shower. The moisture softens coarse facial hair allowing a razor to glide more easily. 
  • If your skin is very dry, apply a light layer of a natural facial oil or pre-shave oil after washing and before lathering up. A facial oil not only softens facial hair but also helps protect sensitive facial skin from razor burn and irritation by improving glide. 

Lather Up & Shave 

  • If you are using a standard razor always use a clean, sharp blade. A dull blade can cause an uneven shave, irritated skin, or even patches of unshaven hair on your face and neck. Also remember to rinse your razor after every few strokes. 
  • Always use a naturally moisturizing shaving soap or cream to help hydrate hairs, improve razor glide, and help protect against irritation.
  • To use our natural shaving soap bar please read How To Use Natural Shaving Soap.
  • Use light, gentle strokes, allowing your razor do the work.

Moisturize After Shaving

  •  Shaving scrapes away the top layers of skin cells and also your natural face oil which can cause excess dryness and irritation. 
  • After shaving rinse your face with cool water and gently pat dry. (You want a bit of moisture to remain)
  • Gently massage skin with a moisturizing after-shave balm, pre-shave or facial oil to help your skin feel soft, comfortable and healthy. 
  • A rich natural cream is will gently soothe freshly shaven skin and help lock in moisture to prevent dehydration. 
  • Avoid alcohol-based aftershaves which can exacerbate irritation.