Gift: Wood Shaving Bowl
Gift: Wood Shaving Bowl
Gift: Wood Shaving Bowl

Zubehör: Holzschale

Eine natürliche, handgefertigte Rasierseifenschale aus nachhaltigem Holz, ein Muss für jeden Nassrasierer, der Rasierseife und -pinsel verwendet, um sich mit einer hochwertigen Rasierseife einzuschäumen, um das Gesichtshaar aufzuweichen und die Haut auf eine saubere, gründliche Rasur vorzubereiten.

Product Overview

A timeless natural, handmade, hand-turned wooden shave bowl with a lid made from the wood of the Indian Gum Arabic tree, also known as the Prickly Acacia or Babool (babul) Wood. 

It is a fast-growing sustainable deciduous tree, that can be quite invasive in nonnative habitats. It is native to the arid and semi-arid regions of the world.

This environmentally-friendly soap bowl is a must for any wet shaver who uses a shaving soap and brush.

  • The bowls are made to fit our shaving soaps which are about 2 3/8 inch in diameter
    • the total bowl diameter is about 3 3/4 inches 
    • the height is about 1 3/4 inches
    • the inside diameter is about 3 inches

If you would like to include a gift message, see the "How to Use" section below.

How To Use


The wood will retain its natural beauty for a long time if treated properly.

Hand wash only. Wipe clean with mild soap and water and dry thoroughly after cleaning.

If the bowl begins to look dry or worn, rub with a small amount of walnut or linseed (flaxseed) oils.  Unfortunately, most vegetable oils, like olive, will go rancid after a period of time and can become gummy which may create an environment in which bacteria can multiply. 

After you have used up a shaving soap, clean the bowl before adding in a new shaving soap puck. 

For more information please read: How To Use Natural Shaving Soap

GIFT MESSAGE -- To include a gift message:

  1. Click on your cart to begin the checkout process.
  2. On the first page you will see the words "Order Notes or Gift Message" under the gift you have ordered--click on those words.
  3. Place your very short message in the box that appears.
  4. Please title it "GIFT MESSAGE."
  5. We will include your message, as written, on a gift card.
  6. Please don't forget to let us know how you want it signed.

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