Bade- und Körperöl

Jahrhunderte vor der Erfindung wasserbasierter Lotionen verwendeten Frauen angereicherte Naturöle, um ihre Haut mit Feuchtigkeit zu versorgen und zu schützen.

Diese vielseitigen Bade-, Dusch-, Körper- und Massageöle werden aus pflegenden Ölen hergestellt, die die Haut weich machen und verwöhnen, während aromatische ätherische Öle die Seele beruhigen, Emotionen ausgleichen, Stress abbauen und ein Gefühl der Entspannung und Zufriedenheit vermitteln.

Eine Wohltat für Ihre Sinne, die Ihren Körper mit Feuchtigkeit versorgt. Jede Mischung bietet eine einzigartige Formel, die Ihre Haut beruhigt, Ihren Körper entspannt und Ihren Geist erfrischt.

More About Bade- und Körperöl:

Four skin-loving organic plant oils are combined to produce a luxurious and moisturizing bath, body and massage oil. The healing and nourishing characteristics of Sunflower Oil harmonize perfectly with the moisturizing and softening properties of Almond and Evening Primrose Oils. The perfect blend is achieved with the addition of Jojoba Oil considered one of nature's most effective moisturizers.

But, what sets us apart from other bath oils? To make a basic bath oil, all you need is oil. But the magical part of Chagrin Valley bath oils are the herbal infused oils we use to make them.

Plants have a life force of their own. Slowly infusing herbs and botanicals into oil transfers the healing properties, scent, and color to the oil, and is one of the oldest forms of medicine-making. Each blend is infused with a different combination of soothing herbs and botanicals. 

Our bath, body and massage oils can offer the benefits of both topical and inhalation aromatherapy. Use these versatile oils as a...

  • massage oil: warm the oil in your hands to use as a calming massage oil
  • bathtub oil: transform your bath into a pampering spa to relieve stress or feel energized
  • after bath and shower oil: massage directly onto damp skin to soften and moisturize

Looking for a specific type of aromatherapy? Use the “Helps With” filter on the top left of this page. Our Vanilla Bean and Baby Me oils contain no essential oils for those with sensitive skin or noses.

For more tips on how to use these versatile bath and body oils, please read "How To Use a Natural Bath & Body Oil"

Please visit our Product Knowledge Base for tips to help choose Natural Organic Body Moisturizers.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, have a medical condition, or have any medical concerns regarding yourself or your family always consult a qualified, licensed health professional prior to using aromatherapy.

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