
Apfelessig-Spülungen sind eine hervorragende Ergänzung für jede natürliche Haarpflege. Roher Bio-Apfelessig ist in vielerlei Hinsicht vorteilhaft für Ihr Haar. Die nährstoffreichen Apfelessig-Spülungen helfen bei Verfilzungen und krausem Haar, verleihen Fülle und Glanz, reduzieren Rückstände und klären das Haar, stimulieren die Kopfhaut, reduzieren Schuppen und befreien die Haarfollikel, was bei übermäßigem Haarausfall helfen kann.

Wir versetzen unseren Bio-Essig mit zertifizierten Bio-Kräutern und ätherischen Ölen, die gut für Haar und Kopfhaut sind.

More About Apfelessig-Haarspülung:

Natural Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse

Unlike some apple cider vinegar hair rinses in which the first ingredient is water, our organic ACV rinse is a pure concentrated vinegar. You simply add your own water to create the perfect rinse for your hair type (and you are not paying for a product that is mostly water).

What are the benefits of organic apple cider hair rinses?

  • are made with organic, raw apple cider vinegar
  • remove product build-up and residue without stripping natural oils
  • add softness, body, bounce, and shine
  • help define natural curls
  • are great for dull, lifeless hair
  • flatten the cuticle, resulting in less frizz and tangles
  • soothes and refreshes the scalp
  • can help with dandruff and flaking

Should I use hair rinses before or after shampoo? 

After! Once you are done using your shampoo, you can dilute the apple cider vinegar hair rinse and apply thoroughly and evenly into your hair. Our customers frequently pour the diluted mixture into a spray bottle to make the application easier. 

See links to ACV rinse recipe ideas below.

Please visit our Product Knowledge Base for tips to help choose natural hair care products for oily hair, dry hair, dandruff, and hair that needs body.

Note About Apeel: "Apeel" is a waxy post-harvest fungicide coating used on avocados, citrus fruits, apples, cucumbers, as well as other fruits and vegetables to increase the shelf-life. Our supplier has assured us that the apples used to make their Organic Apple Cider Vinegar are not coated with Apeel or any other product.

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