
Bio- und Feuchtigkeitslotionsriegel

Ein Lotion Bar ist ein reiner, natürlicher Hand- und Körperbalsam aus feuchtigkeitsspendenden Pflanzenölen und -buttern, kombiniert in einer einzigartigen Formel, die bei Raumtemperatur fest ist und in einer plastikfreien, recycelbaren Metalldose verpackt ist.

Wenn Sie den Lotion-Riegel zwischen Ihren Händen reiben, schmilzt durch Ihre Körpertemperatur ein wenig davon und die natürlichen Pflanzenöle werden schnell absorbiert, wodurch eine einzigartige heilende Feuchtigkeitsbarriere entsteht.

Ideal für trockene Hände, Füße, Fersen, Beine, Ellbogen und überall dort, wo die Haut etwas Pflege braucht. Perfekt für alle, die sich häufig die Hände waschen. Unsere Feuchtigkeitsriegel sind so konzipiert, dass sie verschiedene Hauttypen beruhigen und pflegen. Sie sind in einer praktischen, abfallfreien Dose verpackt und bieten unterwegs sofortige Feuchtigkeitspflege ohne Kleckern.

More About Lotion-Riegel:

Natural Organic Healing Lotion Bar

How do lotion bars help the environment?

Lotion bars take the best nourishing natural skin care ingredients and pack them into a small, portable solid bar, rather than a plastic bottle. This little zero-waste lotion bar eliminates both the plastic waste and added water (which you pay for) in a lotion. By replacing your bottled lotion with ONE solid lotion bar you can save water and prevent about 2 plastic bottles from flowing into our landfills.

Whether your making the switch to natural organic skin care, a low-waste lifestyle, or simply looking for a quick and portable moisturizer, you will love our lotion bars. These power-packed pucks are full of super-hydrating organic plant butters and nutrient-rich oils.

Use your lotion bar on dry skin throughout the day or apply it to slightly damp skin after you get out of the shower. The bar will leave behind a thin layer of moisturizing oils that will penetrate into the skin and keep it hydrated throughout the day.

Why Should You Use Lotion Bars?

  • They Work: These little super concentrated pucks of moisturizer help heal dry, painful, cracked and itchy patches.
  • They are Natural: Made with nourishing organic ingredients, no synthetic fragrances or additives.
  • No Water: Means no preservatives.
  • They are Convenient: The small, compact lotion bar tins are easy to tuck into your purse, backpack, lunch box, car, toolbox or even your pocket. Conveniently sized to travel anywhere you go.
  • Travel-Friendly: A TSA-friendly, on-the-go moisturizer. Say goodbye to messy watery lotions that take up lots of space and explode in your luggage.
  • They are Super Versatile: One amazing product can moisturize skin all over your body. Your rough, dry hands or feet, flaking knees or elbows, dry chapped lips, and split cuticles will thank you! Tip: Apply sparingly to dry hair ends to help with those pesky fly-aways.
  • They are Eco-Friendly: Packaged in a zero-waste recyclable metal tin means no plastic bottle. By using one solid lotion bar, you rescue about 2 to 3 plastic lotion bottles from the landfills.
  • Economical: You can use your favorite lotion to the very last swipe. No lotion wasted in the bottom of a plastic bottle. 

Please visit our Product Knowledge Base for tips to help choose natural body moisturizers.

Looking for more lotion bars?

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