
Aromatherapie wird für die Verwendung natürlicher aromatischer Essenzen aus Pflanzenmaterial geschätzt, um das allgemeine Wohlbefinden zu fördern und die Gesundheit von Körper, Geist und Seele zu verbessern.

Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, ätherische Öle in der Aromatherapie einzusetzen. Sie können in Diffusoren, Dusch- oder Wäschesprays sowie in Produkten wie Kerzen, Badesalzen und Badeölen verwendet werden. Auch Ihre täglichen Seifen und Feuchtigkeitscremes mit echten ätherischen Ölen können Ihrem Tag entspannende oder belebende Momente verleihen.

Aromatherapie-Mischungen ätherischer Öle

Aromatherapie-Mischungen ätherischer Öle

Aromatherapie-Roll-Ons mit ätherischen Ölen

Aromatherapie-Roll-Ons mit ätherischen Ölen



Bade- und Körperöl

Bade- und Körperöl

Warme Körperlotion-Kerzen

Warme Körperlotion-Kerzen



More About Aromatherapie:

Natural Organic Aromatherapy Roll On

Aromatic plant material has been used by ancient cultures for thousands of years to help maintain the balance of the mind, body, and spirit.

Our senses affect our moods and emotions and one of the strongest connections is seen with our sense of smell. The way in which our sense of smell is wired to our brain is quite unique.The part of your brain that processes and interprets scents also deals with memory and emotions. A simple essential oil can lift your mood with a simple whiff of its natural aroma. Although the word "aroma" suggests that these plant essences must be inhaled, they can also be used topically.

There are a variety of ways to add a bit of aromatherapy into your life using essential oils. 

Each essential oil has a different chemical make-up and offers a range of unique aromatherapeutic properties, uses, and effects. When essential oils are properly blended they create a synergistic blend with its own unique benefits. Since we are all unique, not all oils will affect everyone in the same manner.

Are you looking for a specific type of aromatherapy? Use the “Helps With” filter on the left side of any aromatherapy product page. Find blends that can help improve sleep and relaxation, relieve stress and anxiety, uplift your mood lift, energize your body & mind, enhance focus, and ease congestion, and motion sickness.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, have a medical condition, or have any medical concerns regarding yourself or your family always consult a qualified, licensed health professional prior to use.

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