
Pflegende & natürliche Gesichtsseife

Alle unsere Seifen sind von Natur aus feuchtigkeitsspendend. Was macht also eine Teintseife aus?

-Teintseifen sind stärker überfettet als Körperseifen, um zusätzliche Feuchtigkeit zu spenden.

- Sie sind geruchslos oder leicht parfümiert mit reinen ätherischen Ölen, die bekanntermaßen gut für die Gesichtshaut sind

-Sie sind mit Gesichtstonen, zusätzlichen Pflanzenbuttern und anderen hautpflegenden Inhaltsstoffen formuliert, die einem matten, trägen Teint neues Leben verleihen

More About Gesichtsseifen:

Our moisturizing handmade facial soaps are perfect for those seeking a natural face cleansing bar. Our bars are carefully crafted to nourish a variety of skin types from normal skin to dry skin, maturing skin, rosacea, or acne. 

Harnessing the power of natures finest natural and organic ingredients including natural clays, Dead Sea mud, activated charcoal, herbs, botanicals, oats, goat milk, honey, unrefined plant butters and oils, and pure essential oils, our facial soap bars gently moisturize and nourish skin for a softer, smoother, and healthier-looking complexion.

Not sure which bar to choose?

When you wash your face, you are not simply cleaning the skin. You are softening the skin, increasing blood and lymph circulation, and exfoliating for a clearer, brighter complexion.

Over the years, bar soap has gotten a bad rap. While it is true that some soap bars are full of oil stripping ingredients that dry out your skin, not all soap is created equal. 

If I am going to use something on my face twice a day, every single day, I want a product that is gentle, made with organic ingredients, and will not stress out my skin—for me that’s our natural soap!

Although the soaps above are suggested as facial soaps, I have used all of our soaps on my face. My face’s favorites often contain lots of coconut milk, like the Sage Mist and Lavender Rosemary. Once in a while I add a polishing treat with our Sea Salt & Seaweed soap.

Try different samples, because in the end, your choice of facial soap depends on your unique skin type.

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