
Egal ob Schnurrbart, Bartstoppeln oder Vollbart – die Gesichtshaut braucht Feuchtigkeit. Ein gutes natürliches Bartöl oder -balsam fördert nicht nur die Gesundheit der Haarfollikel, sondern spendet der Gesichtshaut auch Feuchtigkeit, pflegt, macht sie weich und bändigt krauses und abstehendes Haar.

Schon wenige Minuten und etwas Bartöl oder Bartbalsam können bei trockenem oder widerspenstigem Barthaar sowie juckender, schuppiger Haut unter und um den Bart helfen. Gesunde Haut und gesunde Haarfollikel bedeuten gesunde Barthaare.

More About Bartpflege:

Our beard oils absorb quickly into the whiskers to soften, hydrate and promote a healthy shine. When beard hair is stiff and dry the ends tend to break off giving your beard an unruly, scraggly appearance. Soft whiskers also reduce beard itch.

Since a beard oil is a conditioner used to moisturize and soften beard hair, its all about the ingredients:

Organic Unrefined Jojoba Oil conditions, softens and moisturizes facial skin and facial hair to help decrease beard flakes and beard breakage and frizz.

Organic Unrefined Argan Oil adds shine and softness while moisturizing the skin beneath the beard to help prevent beard itch and beard flakes.

Organic Unrefined Hemp Seed, a moisturizing oil with anti-inflammatory properties, helps alleviate itching and irritation, promotes stronger, healthier hair and helps prevent facial hair from becoming dry and brittle.

Organic Unrefined Pumpkin Seed Oil is great for both oily/acne-prone skin and dry skin. It helps smooth beard frizz, promote softness and shine and moisturize facial skin.

Our Beard Oils can also be used as a pre-shave oil to prepare skin before shaving. Applying a face oil helps soften facial hair and protect facial skin from razor burn and irritation by improving glide which reduces tugging and pulling.

Our unrefined oils have not been bleached or deodorized. These oils retain their natural scent, color, and nutritional benefits.

For more information please read "How To Use Our Shaving Balm and Beard Butter"

Our commitment to natural and organic body care doesn't end here. Browse our full line of handmade shampoo bars and organic soap