Bath Salt Sampler Gift Set

Geschenk: Badesalz-Probe

Gönnen Sie sich oder einem besonderen Menschen Entspannung mit unserer Aromatherapie-Badesalz-Kollektion. Drei luxuriöse Mischungen verwandeln Ihr Bad in einen erholsamen Wellness-Oase. Machen Sie Ihre Haut weich, beruhigen Sie Ihre Sinne und lassen Sie Ihre Sorgen hinter sich.

Product Overview

Gift Box Includes: Three 4 oz jars of organic bath salts plus a bamboo spatula

  • Grapefruit Ylang Ylang (formerly Tranquil Spirit)
  • Lavender Rosemary
  • Juniper Mint (formerly Sore Muscle)

Salt baths are a timeless ritual for relaxation and rejuvenation. Since ancient times, people have immersed themselves in a warm bath to cleanse, relax, refresh, and heal. 

Treat yourself or a special friend. Dissolve troubles away in a warm bath of rich mineral salts and pure essential oils that transform your tub into a skin softening, soothing, comforting spa.

  • A medley of soothing mineral-rich salts blended with pure organic essential oils enhance the natural healing and soothing effects of a warm bath
  • Salt baths can help balance skin oils, improve circulation, ease muscular pain and joint stiffness, and soothe irritated skin conditions
  • Luxurious bath salts bring a spa experience to your home
  • Each jar is enough for two or three aromatic baths

If you would like to include a gift message, see the "How to Use" section below.

How To Use

Directions for a simple salt bath: Aromatic salts soothe the soul, balance emotions, arouse your senses and pamper your skin.

  • Pour 3 - 4 heaping tablespoons of salts directly into tub under warm running water
  • Use hands to swirl the salts into the water
  • Large and small size crystals dissolve at different rates
  • Tub sizes vary--so experiment to your liking
  • Breathe deep and enjoy the aromatherapy
  • Feel body tension melt away!
  • Soak for 20-30 minutes and rinse if desired
While salt baths have many beneficial effects, people who are under a doctor's care for any condition, should consult their healthcare provider before taking salt baths.  Please see individual items for ingredients.

Eco-Friendly Packaging: The gift is packed in a kraft gift box that is recyclable and made from 100% recycled material with 30-70% post-consumer content. The box is wrapped in natural fabric ribbon.

GIFT MESSAGE -- To include a gift message:

  1. Click on your cart to begin the checkout process.
  2. On the first page you will see the words "Order Notes or Gift Message" under the gift you have ordered--click on those words.
  3. Place your very short message in the box that appears.
  4. Please title it "GIFT MESSAGE."
  5. We will include your message, as written, on a gift card.
  6. Please don't forget to let us know how you want it signed.

Wirksame Inhaltsstoffe zum Wohlfühlen

Das Ziel ist einfach: Nutzen Sie die Kraft und Einfachheit der Natur®, um Ihre Haut und Ihr Haar zu reinigen, zu beruhigen, zu heilen und zu schützen!

Unsere einzigartigen Formeln basieren auf feuchtigkeitsspendenden Ölen und Buttern, heilenden Pflanzenstoffen und reinen ätherischen Ölen. Wir wählen jede Zutat mit einem Ziel vor Augen: der bestmöglichen natürlichen Hautpflege für SIE!

Ausgewählte Zutaten

Himalayan Pink Salt
Rosa Himalaya-Salz
Noirmoutier French Grey Sea Salt
Französisches graues Meersalz aus Noirmoutier
Mediterranean Sea Salt

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