Organic Hand Care Bundle

Paket: Helping Hand Pflegepaket

Pflegen Sie beanspruchte Hände wieder weich, glatt und gesund. Unser Handpflegepaket umfasst Reinigungs-, Peeling- und Feuchtigkeitsprodukte. zur Belebung trockener, müder Hände.

Product Overview

Hard-working hands deserve some TLC. Constantly exposed to the elements and repeatedly washed, they need extra care to stay soft and healthy. Our Hand Care Bundle is the ultimate solution for dry, cracked hands.

This Hand Care Bundle includes cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing products to help transform dry, cracked, rough and flaky skin into soft, smooth and healthy-looking hands. 

Key Benefits

  • Coconut Lime Hand & Foot Scrub (4 oz): A spa treatment for hard-working hands with the invigorating scent of fresh coconut and lime. Made with nourishing oils and cocoa butter whipped with a medley of sugars, honey, and sea salt to moisturize, soften, and exfoliate.
  • Cuticle & Nail Cream (1 oz): Moisturizes, soothes, repairs, and protects dry, splitting cuticles and strengthens dry, brittle nails.
  • Helping Hands Balm (2 oz)Ultra-rich, ultra-moisturizing organic hand cream with nourishing plant oils and soothing botanicals.
  • Coffee & Clove Soap (Travel-size)Exfoliating coffee grounds, deep cleansing bamboo charcoal, and nourishing shea and cocoa butters

This bundle, packaged in a reusable linen drawstring bag, also includes a natural bamboo spoon.

Give the gift of soft, healthy hands to yourself or a someone special with this ultimate care package. Order now and enjoy softer, healthier hands - and radiant elbows too!

If you would like to include a gift message, see the "How to Use" section below.

How To Use

Soap is certified "Made With Organic Ingredients" by OEFFA

Please see individual items for ingredients.

GIFT MESSAGE -- To include a gift message:

  1. Click on your cart to begin the checkout process.
  2. On the first page you will see the words "Order Notes or Gift Message" under the gift you have ordered--click on those words.
  3. Place your very short message in the box that appears.
  4. Please title it "GIFT MESSAGE."
  5. We will include your message, as written, on a gift card.
  6. Please don't forget to let us know how you want it signed.

Wirksame Inhaltsstoffe zum Wohlfühlen

Das Ziel ist einfach: Nutzen Sie die Kraft und Einfachheit der Natur®, um Ihre Haut und Ihr Haar zu reinigen, zu beruhigen, zu heilen und zu schützen!

Unsere einzigartigen Formeln basieren auf feuchtigkeitsspendenden Ölen und Buttern, heilenden Pflanzenstoffen und reinen ätherischen Ölen. Wir wählen jede Zutat mit einem Ziel vor Augen: der bestmöglichen natürlichen Hautpflege für SIE!

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