Paket: Pooch Pouch Hundepaket
Paket: Pooch Pouch Hundepaket
Verwöhnen Sie Ihren vierbeinigen Freund mit unserem Trio aus Bio-Produkten zur natürlichen Beruhigung, Reinigung und Erfrischung. Schenken Sie Ihrem Hund die Liebe und Fürsorge, die er verdient.
- Out Of Stock

Product Overview
A great bundle of natural, organic dog products for your loyal companion. Your dog is an important part of the family and deserves the finest, high quality, natural products.
Nothing artificial, nothing synthetic, just wholesome natural ingredients you can trust. A perfect gift to say "Thank you" to your best friend.
The bundle includes . . .
- Cedarwood Lavender Dog Shampoo (3.8 oz Bar)
- Fresh Fur Dry Dog Shampoo
- Dog Paw Salve (1 oz)
- Packaged in a cute reusable linen pouch
- Save up to 10% when buying products in a bundle!
Products with essential oils should not be used on cats
Please Note: If our Cedarwood Dog Shampoo is out of stock, we will substitute a bar of the Honey & Oats Dog Shampoo.
If this is a gift and you would like to include message, see the "How to Use" section below.
How To Use
Dog Shampoo is certified "Made With Organic Ingredients" by OEFFA
Eco-Friendly Packaging -- plastic free
Please see individual items for ingredients.
GIFT MESSAGE -- To include a gift message:
- Click on your cart to begin the checkout process.
- On the first page you will see the words "Order Notes or Gift Message" under the gift you have ordered--click on those words.
- Place your very short message in the box that appears.
- Please title it "GIFT MESSAGE."
- We will include your message, as written, on a gift card.
- Please don't forget to let us know how you want it signed.

Wirksame Inhaltsstoffe zum Wohlfühlen
Das Ziel ist einfach: Nutzen Sie die Kraft und Einfachheit der Natur®, um Ihre Haut und Ihr Haar zu reinigen, zu beruhigen, zu heilen und zu schützen!
Unsere einzigartigen Formeln basieren auf feuchtigkeitsspendenden Ölen und Buttern, heilenden Pflanzenstoffen und reinen ätherischen Ölen. Wir wählen jede Zutat mit einem Ziel vor Augen: der bestmöglichen natürlichen Hautpflege für SIE!