Organic ACV Hair Rinse - Lemongrass Tea Tree Scent

Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse Concentrate: Lemongrass Tea Tree

A concentrated organic apple cider vinegar rinse infused with certified organic herbs and organic lemongrass and tea tree essential oils which are great for the hair and scalp.

Product Overview

Our concentrated Lemongrass Tea Tree organic Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) rinse is infused with certified organic herbs and organic essential oils which are great for the hair and scalp.

ACV is a good clarifying hair rinse since it helps to remove product buildup on the hair and scalp. Buildup can clog the follicles, leading to scalp conditions such as dandruff, and possibly hair loss.

Since a lightweight apple cider vinegar rinse does not weigh hair down like other conditioners, it can help with volume and curl definition.

ACV has antimicrobial properties that can help with an itchy or irritated scalp and the natural acidity of ACV helps smooth down the hair cuticles which helps decrease knots and tangles and reduces frizz. A smooth cuticle is better able to reflect light, giving hair a more healthy glow.

ACV also has antimicrobial properties that can help with an itchy or irritated scalp. 

Some other benefits of an ACV rinse:

  • clarifies as it conditions the hair and scalp
  • removes residue
  • brings back body, bounce, and shine
  • smooths frizzy hair
  • revitalizes dull hair
  • stimulates scalp circulation
  • helps decrease dandruff
  • unclogs hair follicles which may help with excess shedding or hair loss

Our vinegar rinses are infused with horsetail, rosemary, nettle, burdock root, basil, lavender which add their own hair care benefits to these amazing hair rinses. 

  • Horsetail has been used for centuries as a hair growth herb. The silica in horsetail helps strengthen hair, prevent breakage and ease shedding. It is good for dry or oily hair and scalp, irritated scalp conditions, hair thinning, and to enhance body and luster.
  • Rosemary encourages strong, healthy hair, stimulates the scalp, increases manageability, helps soothe irritated scalp conditions, and adds shine and luster. 
  • Nettle stimulates the scalp and has a long-standing reputation for easing hair loss and promoting fuller, more radiant hair that is soft and shiny. Nettle, an excellent hair conditioner, is also helpful in tackling conditions like dandruff.
  • Burdock Root helps strengthen hair follicles, to promote healthy hair growth, helps soothe irritated scalp conditions, and adds body and luster. The mucilage in Burdock Root also helps add “slip” to your hair to make detangling easier.
  • Basil stimulates hair follicles, increases scalp circulation which helps promote hair growth. Basil adds luster to dull hair.
  • Lavender, a scalp soothing herb, has anti-inflammatory properties that may help with hair loss, shedding, and irritated scalp conditions. Its ability to balance oil production makes it a great hair care herb for all hair types.

We have also chosen a variety of essential oils for our ACV rinses which not only smell divine, but also have wonderful hair care properties.

  • Lemongrass essential oil helps strengthen hair follicles, fight hair loss and soothe scalp conditions.
  • Tea tree oil helps treat dandruff, soothe a dry flaking scalp, promote hair growth, and unclog blocked hair follicles.

An apple cider vinegar hair rinse benefits your hair and scalp and is a wonderful addition to any hair care regimen. It can also be very helpful for those who chose to use Natural Shampoo Bars. Support the health and beauty of your hair by using natural shampoo bars and an ACV rinse and your hair will shine with thanks!

Read more about apple cider vinegar (ACV) rinses

How To Use

Directions For Whole Head Rinse: NEVER use undiluted Vinegar on your hair. Our hair rinse is pure ACV and must be diluted. 

The typical suggested dilution is five parts water to one part vinegar. Which is about 1.5 tablespoons (22 ml) of AVC concentrate to 8 ounces (237 ml) of water. However each person's hair is unique. 

Organic, raw, non-pasteurized vinegar appears cloudy with sediment on the bottom due to the “mother” which contains the natural living enzymes and nutrients.

  • Since we use raw vinegar with natural "mother," please shake our ACV concentrate before use
  • Add 8 ounces (237 ml) of warm water to Squeeze Bottle,* Spray Bottle, or measuring cup
  • Add 1/2 - 2 Tablespoons (7.4 to 30 ml) of Herbal Vinegar and mix**
  • Pour or spray through wet hair after shampooing
  • Take care to avoid eyes
  • Massage into hair and scalp, paying attention to ends
  • Let sit for a couple of minutes
  • Rinse it out thoroughly with cool water to help seal your hair’s cuticle***
  • Towel dry
  • The vinegar scent will disappear as the hair dries
  • For long thick hair, the recipe can be doubled
  • For short thin hair, the recipe can be halved

*Container Type: I find that using a squeeze bottle or spray bottle requires a lot less vinegar rinse than pouring the rinse on your head from a measuring cup. I have long, fine hair, and one 8-ounce recipe mix will last me for 3 to 4 rinses. The premixed vinegar solution will last for about a week without refrigeration.

**Concentration Note:

  • I have seen way too many websites that provide the "ideal" dilution amounts for ACV and water. My question is "ideal" for whom? You will need to experiment to find a dilution that works best for your hair type. Typically a dry scalp likes less ACV and oily scalp likes more. 
  • We provide a range of 1/2 to 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (ACV) with 8 ounces (1 cup) of water since we all have different hair types. 
  • We suggest you begin with 1/2 tablespoon of ACV to 8 ounces of water in order to judge how your hair and scalp will feel. I find that using 4 tablespoons (1/4 cup) ACV to 8 ounces (1 cup) of water is too concentrated for most. 

***Rinse or Not Rinse: Some people find that they obtain better conditioning and detangling if they don't rinse all of the ACV out of their hair. Just remember that ACV is quite acidic and again you will have to judge for your own hair and scalp.  

Click Here to see our Squeeze Bottle

If you have very sensitive skin or are simply trying a new product for the first time, we always recommend doing a patch test.

For external use only. Discontinue use if irritation occurs. Best if used within 6 months of opening. 

Effective, Feel Good Ingredients

The goal is simple: to Harness the Power & Simplicity of Nature® to cleanse, soothe, heal, and protect your skin and hair!

Our unique formulas rely on moisturizing oils and butters, healing botanicals, and pure essential oils. We choose every ingredient with one end-result in mind….the BEST possible natural skin care for YOU!

Featured Ingredients

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
Organic Horsetail
Organic Horsetail
Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil
Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil
All Ingredients:
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
Organic Horsetail
Organic Rosemary
Organic Nettle
Organic Burdock Root
Organic Basil
Organic Lavender
Organic Lemongrass Essential Oil
Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil

Organic Unrefined Vinegar infused with Organic Botanicals Horsetail, Rosemary, Nettle, Burdock Root, Basil & Lavender

Unlike some vinegar rinses in which the first ingredient is water, our vinegar rinse is a pure concentrated vinegar. So you can add water to create the perfect rinse for your hair and you are not paying for a product that is mostly water.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Raw Apple Cider Vinegar?

Why Raw Apple Cider Vinegar for the Hair Rinses?

Although plain white vinegar may work, Apple Cider Vinegar seems to be the favorite hair care vinegar. Some say that wine vinegars may be less drying for those with dry scalp conditions.

The process for making apple cider vinegar begins with the juice of fresh apples. Bacteria and yeast added to the juice begin the fermentation process which breaks down fructose, the naturally occurring fruit sugar, into alcohol.

The alcohol is converted to vinegar (which means “sour wine” in French) by acetic acid-forming bacteria.

The natural raw non-pasteurized vinegar is packed with nutrients. It appears cloudy with stringy stuff and sediment on the bottom due to the "mother" which contains the natural bacteria and enzymes that make this product so wonderful.

We only use organic raw apple cider vinegar with "mother." The difference between raw apple cider vinegar and a commercial clear vinegar brand is that the commercial vinegar is heated, distilled, and clarified. This processing removes much of the naturally occurring bacteria, nutrients, and living enzymes, thus stripping away the natural benefits.

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How Often Can I Use An Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse?

Since everyone's hair is unique you must use your own judgment. 

Remember--dry hair likes less vinegar and oily hair likes more.

For most people a using a vinegar rinse every day will be quite drying. It is best to restrict use to 1 to 2 times per week.

The amount of water you add to the vinegar, the dilution rate, will also affect how often it can be used as well as whether it is drying to your hair. You will need to experiment to find a dilution that works best for your hair type. Always start with a very dilute rinse in order to find the proper ratio for your hair.

If you like a bit of vinegar with each washing, a spritz with a very dilute rinse may work.


Some Helpful Hints
  • While you can use any container to make your vinegar rinse, I like a plastic squirt top bottle. It is easier to squirt it all over my scalp and then massage it through, rather than pouring it all over my head from a cup. Recycle any clean plastic bottle with a squirt top.

  • Pouring a cold rinse on your hair may be a more invigorating experience than you would like. (Although if you're feeling brave, the cold water will give your hair added shine.) If you would like a warmer rinse, make it just before you step in the shower using very warm tap water.


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Browse our full collection of Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinses

Make Your Own Natural Vinegar Hair Rinse

Using Chagrin Valley Vinegar Hair Rinses

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Why Chagrin Valley Organic Vinegar Hair Rinses Better?
When comparing vinegar hair rinse products
and prices please read the label ingredients

  • Our ACV Rinses do not contain no water they are a pure concentrated vinegar rinse so you can add your own water to create the perfect rinse for your hair type.

  • Many vinegar rinses are not concentrates, they are made with water--often as the first ingredient--which means that you are paying for a product that is mostly water.

  • Our apple cider vinegar (ACV) finishing rinses are made with only USDA Certified Organic ingredients.

  • Our ACV rinses are made with only raw apple cider vinegar which contains the "mother," the storehouse of natural bacteria and enzymes that make this product so wonderful.

  • We infuse our organic vinegar with certified organic herbs and organic essential oils that are great for the hair and scalp.

  • Our ACV Rinses contain no water and therefore need no artificial preservatives.

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What Do Herbs Infused In Vinegar Do?

Why Do We Infuse Herbs Into Our ACV Rinses

Nature's herbs and botanicals have a life force of their own.
The vinegar extracts the healing and soothing phytochemicals from medicinal herbs and botanicals.

Natural Organic Herbal Skin Care Basil, Ocimum basilicum, stimulates hair follicles, increases scalp circulation and promotes hair growth. Basil helps protect hair from breakage, its anti-inflammatory properties help soothe the roots and it adds luster to dull hair.

Burdock, Arctium lappa, nourishes and strengthens hair follicles, to promote healthy hair growth and improve the condition of hair. It helps soothe irritated scalp conditions, decrease breakage and adds sheen, body & luster. The mucilage in burdock root adds “slip” to hair to make detangling easier.

Horsetail, Equisetum arvense, is nourishing and hydrating, stimulates the scalp and has been used for centuries as a hair growth herb. The silica in horsetail helps to keep hair strong and adds shine and luster to hair.

Lavender, Lavendula officinalis, has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antifungal properties that may help with irritated scalp conditions and hair loss. It helps balance oil production as is a great herb for all hair types.

Nettle, Urtica dioica, stimulates the scalp, improves circulation, helps decrease breakage and promotes body, bounce, and shine. Nettle hair rinses are an old remedy to help reduce hair loss and encourage hair growth. Nettles balance oil production and help with dandruff.

Rosemary, Rosemarinus officinalis, encourages the growth of strong healthy hair by improving blood flow to the scalp. The stimulating and revitalizing properties of rosemary help increase manageability, add shine, and condition the hair and scalp.

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Does Everyone Need To Use A Vinegar Hair Rinse?

Do I Need A Vinegar Rinse When Using a Natural Shampoo Bar?


Whether or not you need to use an apple cider vinegar (ACV) rinse depends on a number of factors.
  • Your water: If your hair does not seem to be adjusting to the shampoo bars, it may be due to your water. Hard water makes it more difficult to rinse natural shampoo from your hair.
  • Hair length: Many of our male customers and women with short hair have found that they do not need to rinse with vinegar, simply because their hair is short.
  • Tangles: ACV rinses often help with tangles.
  • Residue: If your hair has residue from previous products or you regularly use conditioners, styling gels etc., our shampoo bars are mild and may not remove residue from your hair like detergent shampoos. ACV rinses help remove build-up and product residue.
  • Hair type: Everyone's hair is unique.

Check out our selection of ACV Rinses

I wish I could use an apple cider vinegar (ACV) rinse very day. Besides creating tangle-free locks, I also love the way it makes my hair look and feel. As I have gotten older my hair has become drier and I can only use an ACV rinse 2 or 3 times week.


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