From newborn nursery nurse to middle school science teacher, to soapmaker, my career path has been a journey filled with the love of people, nature, science, learning, and teaching. Throughout the journey, my favorite “career” is being a mom. The memories of the games, walks in the park, storytimes, family holidays, laughter, and tears will forever be there. My children have grown into loving adults and now I am blessed with a wonderful son-in-law, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren. I am married to my soul mate, best friend, and biggest fan. As a breast cancer survivor, I delight in growing older. I celebrate my age (over 70) and always remember the importance of living each day to its fullest doing things I love to do, with the people I love and doing them with passion. Chagrin Valley Soap is infused with everyone and everything that has enriched my life.
Ida's Favorite:Whipped Squalane Face & Eye Cream