Natural Soap: Carrot & Honey Complexion
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Dry skin is a result of a decrease in sebum production, the natural skin oil necessary to keep the skin moist and lubricated. Since dry skin has a decreased oil barrier, water easily evaporates through the skin.
Dry skin is a common condition that affects people of all ages.
You may have naturally dry skin, but even people with oily skin can develop dry skin from time to time.
Dry skin often feels tight and dehydrated and looks rough, itchy, flaky, or scaly. The location where dry patches form varies from person to person.
Although dry skin can affect any part of your body, it commonly affects the hands, arms, and legs.
Exposure to dry weather conditions, hot water, chemicals, and underlying medical conditions can cause skin to dry out. Frequent hand-washing and using hand sanitizer can cause hands to become dry. It can be helpful to apply moisturizer after each time you wash your hands.
Dry Skin is More Common In:
For specific information on products for dry facial skin, please see "Help Me Choose: Facial Skin Care"
Signs and symptoms of dry skin might vary based on your age, health status, skin tone, living environment, and season. They include:
Dry skin is often temporary or seasonal. Winter itch is caused by excessively dry skin in the winter. Cool temperatures, dry heat, and lower humidity drain moisture, causing dry, flaky, and itchy skin.
For those with normally dry or sensitive skin, it will often worsen during the winter months.
Keeping skin well hydrated and replacing natural oils with a natural body moisturizer can help. The best time to moisturize is after showering or bathing, while the skin is still damp, to help lock in moisture.
Learn More Blog: "8 Tips to Help Eliminate Dry Winter Skin"
Dry skin often becomes more of an issue as people get older. As we get age, our skin produces less oil and gets drier. For women, it may also be due to the hormone changes associated with menopause.
Building a skincare routine to tackle dryness is pretty straightforward: moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Focus on incorporating natural products with simple ingredients that replenish lost moisture and work to keep your skin hydrated and nourished throughout the day.
The primary objective of dry skin treatment is to create a protective barrier between your skin and the dry air, preventing moisture loss and alleviating itchiness.
According to many dermatologists, non-water-based creams and oils may be the most effective solutions for restoring skin hydration.
Unlike water-based lotions, rich plant-based creams and oils boast exceptional staying power, effectively preventing moisture evaporation from the skin's surface. By forming a protective barrier, these nourishing products seal in moisture, providing long-lasting hydration that helps soften and soothe dry, irritated skin and calm discomfort and itchiness.
Applying moisturizer to warm, slightly damp skin immediately after showering, bathing, or cleansing is the best way to lock in moisture and maximize absorption. Warm water softens the skin's outer layer, while cleansing “opens” the pores by removing dirt and impurities, allowing moisturizers to penetrate deeper.
Regular moisturizing is particularly important during the dry winter months to prevent "winter itch." By replenishing natural skin oils with simple natural skincare oils, you can help soothe and protect your skin from the harsh effects of cold weather.
Depending on your dryness level and personal preferences, we have many types of moisturizers:
Organic Body Creams: Our Whipped Body Butters and more concentrated Body Balms are super rich and moisturizing organic creams jam-packed with nourishing plant butters and oils that ultra dry skin.
Bath & Body Oils: Our organic multipurpose bath, body, and massage oils are made with therapeutic organic botanicals infused in skin-nourishing vegan plant oils and blended with organic essential oil aromatherapy blends.
Shower Lotion Bars: These nourishing, after-shower moisturizers are made with wholesome ingredients combined in a unique formula that is solid at room temperature but easily melts on your warm, wet skin.
Warm Body Lotion Candles: Once lit, the nourishing oils and butters melt at a warm temperature that can be poured directly into your hand and massaged into the skin. Our candles are a wonderful intensive treatment for dry skin.
Facial Moisturizers: Our organic facial moisturizers contain simple, organic ingredients that are easily absorbed and allow the skin to breathe.
Keep a travel-size organic moisturizer, like a lotion bar, in your purse, briefcase, school bag, or gym bag so it is always handy when you need a quick dose of moisture, especially after hand washing.
For more information, read "Help Me Choose: Body Moisturizers For My Skin."
While there are many contributing factors to dry skin, a surprising contributor is often overlooked: commercial soaps and body washes.
Many mass-produced cleansers contain ingredients that can exacerbate dry skin conditions.
Check the label of your commercial soap or body wash, and you will likely find a list of artificial ingredients, including detergents and synthetic fragrances, colors, and preservatives.
These ingredients may create a rich lather and pleasant scent, but they can also exacerbate skin irritation, dryness, and discomfort, especially for those with sensitive skin or conditions like eczema.
A mild, moisturizing natural soap is recommended for dry skin. Opt for natural soap rich in natural glycerin and free from synthetic cleansers, artificial colors, fragrances, and preservatives.
Some customers with dry skin love natural soaps with extra butters, like shea, mango, and cocoa. Others love oils rich in a fatty acid called linoleic acid, such as grapeseed and sunflower. Still, others like soaps rich in honey or coconut milk.
Our Winter Survival Soap has become a seasonal favorite. This moisturizing bar helps soothe dry, itchy skin, while the cooling, clearing, revitalizing scent energizes your spirit on cold winter mornings!
See our "Help Me Choose Soap" page for more information OR when on our Natural Soap page use the filters on the left to help narrow your search for soap that are especially good for dry skin.
Our Buttercream Cleansing Face Wash is such a unique product that I have put it in a category all by itself.
It is a natural, organic facial cleansing cream that moisturizes and gently cleans at the same time.
Imagine organic plant oils and botanical butters whipped into a moisturizing cream crafted to pamper and protect your skin.
The cream is then whipped with our organic Aloe Soap to create a gentle cleansing and hydrating face wash! You may even feel some little bits of soap.
Exfoliating the skin helps slough off dead skin cells, stimulates circulation, removes dirt that clogs pores, smooths skin texture, and tone, improves the ability of the skin to absorb moisture, and helps keep normal cell turnover going (especially as we age) to reveal new, fresh skin cells for a healthier, brighter appearance.
When our skin feels dry, our first instinct is to reach for rich, heavy creams to combat the dryness. However, this misses the root of the issue.
Dry, flaky skin is often a sign of dead skin cell buildup, not just a lack of moisture.
Why moisturize dry, dead skin cells? By gently exfoliating these cells, you will reveal smoother, healthier skin that is primed for moisturizing.
Want help deciding if your skin needs exfoliating? Try this easy "tape test."
We have many gentle exfoliating organic Body Sugar Scrubs and Facial Sugar Scrubs.
Our gentle Adzuki Bean Scrub is a great product for dry, flaky facial skin.
For more information, see Help Me Choose Natural Skin Care For Exfoliation
Learn More Blog: The Nitty Gritty of Exfoliation
Dry skin conditions are often exacerbated by commercial soaps containing detergents that can strip skin of its natural skin-protecting oils. Choose mild natural soaps made with simple, gentle ingredients.
When selecting a soap or skin care product, avoid those containing detergents, alcohol, preservatives, and other synthetic chemicals that can dry out the skin, cause irritation, and worsen dry skin conditions.
Synthetic fragrances have a tendency to irritate dry skin or make it worse. Check the ingredients list for the words "fragrance" or "parfum" and avoid soap and other skin-care products that contain it.
Additionally, steer clear of products with synthetic fragrances, which can further irritate dry skin. Be cautious of ingredient lists that include the words "fragrance" or "parfum" and choose fragrance-free alternatives instead.
While a hot steamy shower or bath often feels nice and relaxing, hot water, especially during winter, can lead to excessively dry skin.
The hotter the water and the longer you remain in the shower or tub, the more natural oil is removed from your skin. Taking shorter, warm showers is the best thing you can do for happier skin.
Since moisturizers work best on damp skin, remember to apply a moisturizer within minutes of getting out of the bath or shower.
Stay away from lotions. Not only are they mostly water (notice that water is usually the first ingredient), but they often contain preservatives and fragrances that can irritate sensitive skin. Although lotions are absorbed more quickly, they do not contain enough emollients to offer long-term protection against dryness.
If you enjoy the application "feeling" of a lotion better than a cream, try applying a rich cream, like our organic Whipped Cocoa Butter or a Whipped Shea Butter to warm, wet skin right after a bath or shower. Wait a few moments and gently pat dry. (Do not rub skin dry!)
You can do the same with our Bath & Body Oils. Massage onto warm, wet skin right after a bath or shower. Wait a few moments and gently pat dry.
Since a lotion is just water mixed with oils and/or butters, a rich organic butter or oil on warm, wet skin will have a similar feel.
Natural lighter fibers, such as cotton, are kind to your skin and allow the skin to breathe. Some fibers, like wool, although natural, may irritate even normal skin. Wash clothes with mild detergents without dyes or perfumes, both of which can irritate your skin.
While we often worry about the harsh effects of outdoor air on our skin, the air inside our homes can be just as damaging. Hot, dry indoor heat and even air conditioning can drastically lower humidity levels, wreaking havoc on dry or sensitive skin.
As the air dries out, skin can become dry and flaky, itchy and irritated, and even red and inflamed. A humidifier may be helpful by restoring moisture to the air in your home.
Also, don't forget to hydrate from the inside out! Drink plenty of water.
For specific information on products for dry facial skin, please see "Help Me Choose: Facial Skin Care"
I have been using only natural soap on my face and body for over 20 years. It is the first product I learned to make.
My skin has become so accustomed to the benefits of these lovely bars, that everything else makes my skin itch.
Our soap bars travel with me everywhere I go. I even keep one-time-use scraps in my purse to use in public restrooms!
While I believe that many of the "reasons" listed below may apply to some natural handmade soap companies, I will focus on the one company with which I have intimate knowledge and experience--CHAGRIN VALLEY.
Most of the soap you purchase today is a commercially manufactured chemical cocktail of ingredients. It is not natural and is not even really “soap.” They are nothing more than detergents in disguise.
Here is what the FDA has to say:
“Today there are very few true soaps on the market. Most body cleansers, both liquid and solid, are actually synthetic detergent products. Detergent cleansers are popular because they make suds easily in water and don't form gummy deposits. Some of these detergent products are actually marketed as "soap" but are not true soap according to the regulatory definition of the word.” Source
The very best reason to use natural soap is the ingredients. A product is only as good as the ingredients used to make it.
OUR skin-nourishing ingredients are USDA Certified Organic, sustainably produced, cruelty-free, and ethically traded.
Harnessing the Power of Nature we make each soap bar unique by adding a variety of organic butters, purifying natural clays, organic herbs, seeds, grains, spices, flowers, vegetables, fruits, chocolate, and pure botanical essential oils to provide natural color, aromatherapy, texture, and gentle exfoliation.
Our soap bars contain only the ingredients that they need—no extra preservatives that liquid body washes or commercial bar "soaps" require to increase their shelf life to years, and no foam boosters to make them lather.
Sadly many people have the misguided perception that all bar soaps will dry your skin. The problem is that most commercial bar “soaps” are detergents and not real soap.
So why are natural soaps so moisturizing? Of course, it's the ingredients! Natural soap made of pure ingredients derived directly from nature is a rare find these days. Here are a few other reasons.
Superfatting is the process of adding extra fats (oils or butters) when formulating a soap recipe so there is more fat in the mixture than the lye can react with during the chemical reaction. This process creates a more hydrating bar with superior moisturizing and emollient qualities.
Our soap bars are formulated with lots of extra plant oils and butters. We superfat our bars at a higher rate than most soapmakers.
Natural Glycerin
Glycerin is not added to a natural handmade soap recipe – it is created during the natural soap making process called saponification. Once saponification is complete, the ingredients have combined and chemically changed into soap, glycerin, and a bit of water.
Glycerin, a precious and gentle emollient, is a humectant that draws moisture from the air to the skin creating a moisturizing protective layer.
Commercial soap manufacturers remove the glycerin from their soaps because excess glycerin decreases the shelf-life of soap and they can sell the glycerin or use it in products that command a higher price like the lotion.
Think about it! Commercial soap companies remove the moisturizing ingredient (the glycerin) which in turn creates a soap that dries your skin and then they use the glycerin they removed to sell you a skin-moisturizing lotion. Quite an ingenious profit-making strategy!
Thus skin-nourishing ingredients, plus superfatting and natural saponification create a soap bar full of moisturizing, natural oils, and natural glycerin.
Our scented natural soaps are made with pure essential oils, not fragrance oils, and offer aromatherapeutic benefits.
Fragrance oils, whether artificially created or derived from natural components, may duplicate the smell of a flower or herb, but they do not offer the therapeutic advantages of essential oils.
Furthermore, the generic term, “fragrance” or “parfum” on a label can indicate the presence of up to 3,000 separate ingredients and the FDA does not require companies to disclose what is in a “fragrance,” because it is considered a “trade secret.”
BLOG: Why We Use Only Real Plant Essential Oils
The body’s largest organ, our skin, is incredibly porous and absorbent. How we treat our skin can have a major impact on our overall health as well as the look and feel of our skin.
Everyone wants healthy skin and our skin is not a fan of synthetic chemicals. I cannot count how many times customers have told us that our natural soap has not only helped improve their skin but has improved their lives by relieving itchiness and dryness, and easing irritated skin conditions such as eczema and acne.
People absolutely love bubbly lather. The foam, bubbles, and lather we know and love from commercial liquid and bar soaps are produced by surfactants--synthetic foam boosters, lathering agents, and detergents.
A properly formulated and cured bar of natural soap needs no synthetic additives to create a lather or to clean because natural soap is a natural surfactant. So it not only makes great bubbles and lather, but it also helps clean oily dirt from your skin--naturally!
BLOG: "How Does Natural Soap Create Lather?"
Some consumers are put off by the cost of handmade soap. You probably look at a bar of natural soap and wonder why it costs more. I mean, soap is soap, right? Both bars clean your skin, right?
While I may agree that both bars clean the skin, the similarity goes no further. Simply put, commercial soaps contain synthetic ingredients that are very cheap to produce in a lab.
If you use a liquid body wash the main ingredient is water. You pay for water. A properly cured soap bar has very little water remaining, meaning you are getting exactly what you pay for.
I believe that old saying, "You get what you pay for," rings true when comparing a handmade bar of a natural soap to a commercial brand!
BLOG: "The True Cost of Commercial Soap"
It may seem odd that a product we use to keep our bodies clean is doing quite the opposite for our environment.
If you are not using a natural soap, as you take a bath or shower you coat your skin with synthetic compounds like fragrances, dyes, preservatives, and detergents. These synthetic ingredients wash down our drains into our septic fields or water treatment facilities. Now imagine the millions of people who use these soaps each day.
Also, if you use a liquid body wash, how many plastic bottles and pumps do you dispose of in a single year?
I make handmade natural soap. I did not invent anything new.
But what I know is that our natural soap is made in small batches by people who have a passion as well as a mission for making natural products.
For me, soapmaking is a synergy of science and art that took years to perfect. It is a labor of love. I take the time to create wholesome soap recipes that do not sacrifice beauty or scent while incorporating amazing natural and organic ingredients.
While I am sure there are some large commercial soap companies with a social conscience, natural soapmakers tend to have the utmost respect for the earth and all its creatures.
Environmental stewardship is not a buzzword for us. It is not a talking point, not a political stance nor is it about optics!
At Chagrin Valley it is our practice to use raw materials that are sourced in an environmentally and ethically responsible manner.
Dedication to a kinder and gentler way of living is a big part of why we do what we do.
If you are holding this soap in your hand, I probably don't need to convince you that shopping small business is important. Your purchase really does make a difference.
When you buy a handmade bar of natural soap, you are supporting a small business that truly cares about and believes in the products they make.
Small businesses are run by people - not by boards or stockholders. They are often entrepreneurs who bring a creative freshness into an otherwise regimented world.
We do it all ourselves--from start to finish--from our hands to your hands--from our family to yours! Thank you!
Before I conclude I would like to add one final reason to the question of "Why You Should Switch To Natural Soap Bars."
From its composition to its benefits for the skin and health, to its impact on the environment, natural soap is very different from commercial liquid “soap,” bar “soap,” or syndet bars.
Our face has different zones in which the skin can vary in thickness, texture, pore size and the number of oil-producing glands.
Each zone may have very different needs and require individual attention.
So, what happens if you have multiple facial skin issues, like dryness, oily spots, and blemishes?
The answer is Multi-Masking . . .
Multi-masking is exactly what it sounds like. Instead of applying one face mask over your entire face, you apply different masks to different areas of the face in order to treat multiple skincare concerns at the same time.
For more information please read our blog Multi-Masking and Targeted Application For Combination Facial Skin
A cleansing oil works its magic in two simple ways . . .
1. The concept of the oil cleansing method is rooted in one of the most basic principles of chemistry, “like dissolves like.”
Since water does not dissolve oil, if you wash with water you need some sort of soap or detergent. Think of soap as the middle-man that helps bring oil and water together so that the dirt and grease on your skin can be easily rinsed away.
Oils are what chemists call lipophilic, meaning that they are naturally attracted to other oils, including the excess skin oil (sebum) that causes breakouts and the oil by-products found in most makeup.
Even if you use water-based makeup, throughout the course of a day the makeup will mix with your natural facial oil.
A facial cleansing oil will dissolve away the dirty oil and makeup from your face and replenish it with clean, nourishing oil that protects and moisturizes throughout the day.
2. Using some good, natural, organic oil on your skin actually slows down its own oil production to maintain balance.
There is a huge misconception that using any oil on your face only creates more oil, more breakouts and leaves an oily residue. For years commercial skin care companies have told us we need to remove the oil from our skin, especially our faces.
The problem is that drying out your facial skin actually stimulates increase oil production--which is the opposite of what you are trying to achieve.
Our facial cleansing oil is formulated with a blend of organic oils and herbal infused oils that will balance sebum production and bind with the existing oil to unclog pores and cleanse impurities.
Using pure, organic oils whether to cleanse or simply moisturize will help balance sebum (natural skin oil) production, protect skin and keep it soft, smooth, and hydrated.
For more information please read our blog, "What Is A Facial Cleaning Oil? How Do I Use It?"
There are many wonderful things about winter, but the cold dry, windy air outside combined with the dry heated air inside and lower humidity drain moisture causing dry, flaky, irritated, red, or itchy skin. With a little extra TLC you can have soft smooth radiant skin all winter long.
Read PostGet informed about exfoliation! Explore the basics, benefits, and best practices for exfoliating your skin so you can make informed decisions about your skincare. Exfoliation can help encourage cell turnover, unclog pores, allow moisturizers to penetrate more effectively, and refresh the skin.
Read PostWhether you call them face oils or facial serums, a nourishing organic, unrefined oil can moisturize, soothe and help restore natural balance to facial skin. They are nourishment for beautiful skin.
Read PostPeople with severe allergies—please note: If you have severe anaphylactic-type reactions to ANY of the ingredients in ANY of our products, please do not buy our products. We have dedicated soap rooms and product rooms that are kept meticulously clean, but we cannot guarantee against possible cross-contamination of individual ingredients.
Chagrin Valley Soap & Craft is not responsible for any individual reaction to any particular ingredient. Each product description on our website includes a complete list of ingredients. People with sensitivities to any listed ingredient should not use the product. In case you are in doubt always try an allergy patch test and if at any time irritation occurs, discontinue use of the product.
The content and information on this website, provided by The Chagrin Valley Soap & Salve Company, is for educational purposes only and is in no way intended and should not be construed as medical advice to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. The information regarding folklore or health-related benefits of certain ingredients is for educational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to prescribe or be taken as medical advice.
The information provided is not meant to substitute the advice provided by your personal physician or other medical professionals. Do not use the information found on this website to self-diagnose any medical conditions or treat any health problems or diseases. If you have medical concerns regarding yourself or your family you should seek the advice of qualified, licensed health professionals. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
Read our Full Medical Disclaimer.