Chagrin Valley Natural Bug Repellents: Q & A

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If Chagrin Valley bug repellents are organic, why don't they display the USDA Organic logo?

The EPA regulates all bug repellents. According to EPA labeling rules the use of the USDA’s Organic logo is not allowed because a product label may only reference one federal agency. The concern is that consumers will not know which agency to contact if there is a problem with the product.

So, even though our Don't Bug Me products are certified organic, we cannot reference the USDA on our labels since we reference the EPA. 


What is a Minimum Risk Pesticide (Bug Repellent)?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates all bug repellents and has strict protocols for any pesticide. As defined by the EPA, a pesticide is “any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest.” Since our bug products are meant to repel insects they are considered as pesticides.

Some pesticides are classified as "Minimum Risk Pesticides" (MRPs) and have been placed in a special class by themselves when it comes to safety. The key is in the natural ingredients that help keep pests at bay but have been proven to be safe for mammals like humans and pets.

The EPA has determined that these “pesticides” like our bug repellents, pose little to no risk to human health or the environment. As a result, these products are exempt from the requirement that they be registered under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).

That is why you see the following statement on our website and product labels:

This product qualifies for exemption from EPA registration under FIFRA


Are your bug repellents tested by the EPA?

Since our bug repellents are classified as “minimum risk pesticides,” they are not required to be registered with the EPA or undergo testing for how effective they are or for how long they last. Which is why they need to be applied more often. 

While we do have anecdotal evidence that our repellents are helpful for at keeping bugs at bay, they will not work as well as commercial repellents containing DEET.

The effectiveness of any mosquito repellent can vary due to conditions such as physical activity, perspiration, water exposure, and how attractive you are to mosquitoes as well as your climate and weather.


If your Don't Bug Me! bug repellents are minimum risk, why do they work?

Many plants produce compounds that help protect them from pests. These same compounds, when extracted as essential oils, can help to keep bugs at bay naturally when applied to the skin.

Pests like mosquitos have very different biological systems than mammals. Our Certified Organic bug repellents work because the active ingredients are plant essential oils known to contain high levels of natural bug deterrents.

Mosquitoes are attracted to people by skin odors and the carbon dioxide from exhaling. These essential oils interfere with and confuse the insect's sense of smell or taste making it difficult for them to locate food (that's you).


Do Chagrin Valley bug repellents protect against disease carrying ticks and mosquitoes?

Chagrin Valley manufactures our "Don't Bug Me" products using natural ingredients intended to help keep pesky mosquitos at bay. Our bug repellents are not intended to control or mitigate specific species of insects that may transmit diseases to humans.

If you are looking for long-lasting protection in severe conditions, such as venturing into areas that are heavily infested with specific species of insects or ticks that may transmit diseases to humans, such as Malaria, Zika, or Lyme disease, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recommends repellents that contain active ingredients such as DEET or Picaridin.

The CDC website has numerous pages of information concerning insect-borne diseases, the most effective insect repellents, and travel precautions.


Are your bug repellents safe for babies?

The skin of a young infant is ultra-sensitive, thin and fragile and undergoes a physical maturation process for about the first year of life. Since infant skin is more vulnerable to adverse reactions, we don't recommend using products with essential oils on an infants under the age of 6 months unless approved by your health care provider

Babies and young toddlers also put everything in their mouths (including their hands and feet). The concern is that if applied directly to their bodies, especially their hands, there is risk of ingestion. It is best to apply the repellents to the clothing or on areas of skin that they don't explore with their mouths. 

If proper care is taken during application our bug repellents products should be safe for young toddlers. We always recommend checking with a health care provider and that you do a patch test before using


Is this product safe if you are pregnant?

Our Don't Bug Me repellents are made using certified organic ingredients and there are no artificial fragrances, dyes, petroleum derivatives, or synthetic preservatives in any of our products. Our repellents are formulated with a skin-safe percentage of essential oils if used as directed.

We always recommend that pregnant or nursing moms check with their health care providers if there are any specific concerns about products made with essential oils. 

As always, if you have sensitive skin or are trying a new product for the first time and not sure how your skin will react, we recommend that you do a patch test before using

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